UT-Tone syrup is a safe, non-hormonal, phytoherbal formulation indicated for treatment of various disorders of the female reproductive syndrome.
UT-Tone contains Ashoka, Amruta, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Jaiphal and other active herbs.
Role of key ingredients:-
Ashoka acts as astringent and controls excessive bleeding
Amruta is a haematinic, and immune-modulatory agent
Shatavari is women’s tonic
Ashwagandha is a anti-stress herb
Jaiphal regularizes womens’ hormonal balance
UT-Tone is an adjuvant to improve uterine function and aids in conception. UT-Tone does not have the side effects associated with conventional hormone based formulations.
UT-Tone is useful in various menstrual disorders (menorrhagia, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).